Monday, February 7, 2011


Slight EDIT: I will also make a top commentor and visitor in the side bar to see who is most active!

YAY! We get to keep the blog! GO US!

I was thinking to make the blog more interesting I will make a magazine for it and have a StradollQuiz  with prizes every month. This might make it all a bit less boring than just reading and I will also post videos on  our Blog Facebook Acoount (Helpingon Stardoll) so you don't just read you listen! LOL
If you can please invite friends to this blog so we can get more readers, I know we have 12 but thats just a little amount BUT big things come in little packages so....
Thank you for your continued support
                                                         doggielover666 xxxxx

Got a worry or concern?

Don't hesistate to contact me at  or our facebook account Helpingon Stardoll.

Hahaha I knew not all of you would read this part!
We are going to get some staff for the blog so its easier for me to manage it! Thanks for reading! Contacts and information is above. Once again THANKS and BYE!!!


  1. Okaydokay, I don't really want to add the account on facebok for various resons :///♥ but yeah sounds great♥
